Kyanite Gemstone meaning
Kyanite is an interesting gem that was discovered during the nineteenth century. The most highly prized kyanite is the vibrant blue or blue-green hue. It is also found in shades of gray, yellow, white and a colorless variety that is considered quite rare.
It was once believed that a kyanite suspended from a human hair could follow the earth's magnetic force. Early travellers sometimes used it as a compass when exploring unknown territories.
Healing properties of kyanite
The fan like clusters or blades that are formed by kyanite make it an ideal stone for restoring energy balance. It is a very effective energy conduit that can balance most systems of the body. It can quickly create stillness and tranquility, making it an excellent stone for meditation.
Sources of kyanite
Kyanite is found in mountainous regions in the United States (Montana and North Carolina), Switzerland, Brazil and Myanmar.